By leveraging the business benefits of RAIN RFID technology, the Atracio Transit module is the ideal solution for automating the tracking and control of vehicle movements on your sites, including the reception, inspection, loading/unloading, and exit processes.


Optimized vehicle flow

Avoid excessive wait times for incoming and outgoing vehicles by optimizing the vehicle passage order and ensuring a smooth and efficient customer or employee experience.

Synchronized Masterview

Centralize all essential information for your transit management, including units, drivers, carriers, and goods.

Referral units

Real-time monitoring

Monitor all transit operations in real-time and access detailed reports to analyze their performance and make informed decisions.

Advanced vehicle control

Maintain total control over your vehicle fleets by immediately alerting you when vehicles leave predefined areas or deviate from their planned routes.

The Atracio Difference

Boost your transit function with Atracio.

Dynamic displays

Connected dynamic displays for remote routing

Compliance processes

Effectively manage all steps and requirements related to the compliance of your operations by being proactive and responsive.

Powerful repository

Centralize all essential information for your transit management, including units, drivers, carriers, and goods.

Discover the power of Atracio

Turn your warehouses, fleet, and assets into a competitive advantage, not just a cost.